Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

John McCain has experience in banking!

But unfortueantly it's with Charles Keating.

John McCain was part of the "Keating Five". A banking scheme that took place several years ago. It cost the taxpayers $3.4 billion dollars. Back when $3.4 billion dollars meant something to politicians. They were all obviously guilty. It would take Judge Lance Ito from the O.J. trial to botch the case.

John McCain has experience with bank fraud but his expertise is taking part in the theft and getting his partners in crime off the hook.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ventura County Republican Party feeling the pain.

They used to be on top of the world. They thought they couldn't be stopped. They didn't have a care in the world.

Those days are over....

Twelve years of a Republican Congress and eight years of a Republican President have taken it's toll on the Nation and the world. If we want peace in the world criminals must face justice. We won't see that with a Republican President. We will just see more crime.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Bushkreig and if that doesn't work Centrist.

The surge in Iraq has been referred to as a romantic couple that have had some problems and aren't being honest with each other yet decide to get married. After a year or two; they recognized they were right. and there are serious problems with their marriage.
After some thinking, as a way to save their marriage they have a baby to bring them closer together. A marriage surge.
I believe Thomas Friedman said that whoever it is it's a good one.

We have violence surges.
Bush and the Republicans that follow him are still trying to debate if water boarding is torture. They would certainly call it torture if it was done to an American soldier and the press found out about it. Who knows it probably is happening and we don't know.

I think as G.W. Bush's kingship comes to a close he will surge in other ignorant evil ways.

Get ready for a Bush surge of stupidity and greed.